Category: Website
First Svelte project - FEH Tracker
I made a tracker for the mobile game Fire Emblem Heroes, to keep track of your Aether Raids lift.
Sound classifier
A machine learning (ML) model for classifying sounds as happy or sad. It doesn't work extremely well, but considering that I trained it on my laptop with about 100 sounds, I'm pretty happy with its performance. I used PyTorch with torchaudio for training and running the model. I also made a website with the model hosted on Heroku to make it easier to use. Unfortunately, Heroku no longer offers free dynos, and it no longer works because I don't want to pay for a dyno just for this.
This was a pretty ill-advised project, but I really wanted to see if I could make a chromatic tuner from scratch. The answer is yes, but it's bad (hence the repository name).
Timeline Generator
This is a quick timeline generator I threw together in a couple of days. You upload a spreadsheet of some sort, select columns, customize colors if you want, and it generates a timeline PNG for you.
Deru's Book of Made-Up Facts
A blog for my family to post random crazy things to. Made with Sveltekit and Sanity CMS. This is the first project I made with Sveltekit, and also the first thing I made with any sort of back end.
Name Generator
A random name generator I made. It uses the naming language generator from mewo2 for the first names, the middle initial is a random English letter, and the last name is a random English noun from Desi Quintans' "The Great Noun List" with random affixes (none, prefix, suffix, or both) from Wikipedia.